efek banjir

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Place of Aliens


There are about 22.000 was reported discovery a meteorite in Earth and many found for hold organic compounds.
In 1996, some scientists report they looked the micro in Mars meteorite that was found in Antarctica show the life that maybe already there in Red Planet about 3,6 billion years ago. But, until now, the problem about in Mars meteorite there are life or not still the mystery.


The next frontier, Mars already become a target to hunter the life in out of earth, but the view like arid and barren already divert the our attention from find the little boy in the green Mars for find the shape of ordinary life.
But, there is the evidence that Mars Planet has last warmer and wetter : the dry river bed, ice in pole, volcano and mineral was found. In 2008, Phoenix Mars Lander sent again the photo from ice chunks that was found after scoop hanfull of land, the big discovery in looking for water-main material for life. The next evidence : NASA's scientist detect there are methane in Mars atmosfer that show this planet still alive.


When Cassini do fly-by through one of geyser Enceladus spout ice and gas in 2005, probe detected carbon, nitrogen and oxygen – all key element for support life. Temperature and density can show source, warm water under surface. But, there is a life already confirmed.
Shape life of Extremophile was found in bottom hot earth of ventilation and ice in north pole when there are not sun ray achieve hope of scientist give possibility that microbe that same can life in Enceladus.


The scientist look more near in moon this Saturn and found blog of building more and more potentially life that very basic in there, although the temperature of surface in Titan more than 300 degrees Fahrenheit.

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