efek banjir

Saturday, November 3, 2012

old film about alien

1. The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)

Sorry not the version of Keanu Reeves 2008. The classic will be fantastic, version that 1951 doesn’t the first film of UFO. The alien like human that the job is send a message for earth to don’t battle of nuclir. This film born when there is the frightened of nuclir’s battle that very real in the cold battle. From USA and Uni Soviet are ready to battle and send nuclir to their enemy. ‘Cause the human cannot stop the battle, finally, UFO hand down.

2. Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)

Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) is the obsession that becomes true for the producer Steven Spielberg. Before make Jaws (1975), the idea of this film have been on his brain. this Film is very success. This film was wroten by Paul Schrader (illustration Taxi Driver, Raging Bull) but Spielberg doesn’t like with the plot that the government want to closed about alien. This is a lucky stepp. many people simpatic with the charathers of this film. in Oscar that year, this film has 8 superpriority. Include for the producer.

3. E.T : Extra Terresterial (1982)

For Steven Spielberg, that producer, E.T: Extra Terresterial (1982) often was called by personal project. in that film, Spielberg tell all about bittersweet memories when he look his parent divorce. Small actor Elliot (Herry Thomas) that make friendship with E.T.

4. Alien (1979)

Alien (1979) project of Ridley Scott is horror movie with future setting in space plane. Alien just will be a ordinary horror movie if, the setting just in hospital or ghost house and one by one of the actor is dead. But, with genius Scott, he move the setting to hospital or ghost house to space plane. The scared alien kill one by one the people in the plane, make the people who watch this film feel scared like they watch horror movie.